XPM without raw files
as stated in my other article, I am used to work with xmp-files when working with lightroom.For the reasons, why, read the corresponding article on
when deleting an image via lightroom, the xmp files goes away as well. but I also use faststone viewer to quickly select/delete images. This tool does not show the raw file, nor takes into account the LR changes out of the XMP (it uses the embedded jpg-format), but it is much faster than LR, and thus much faster do just delete the 'garbage'.
when doing this before importing into LR, no problem, there are no XMP's yet, but sometimes I use it after already having done things in LR, and then the XMP remains there.
I looked on the internet (where 'everyting' can be found), and found a BAT-file for doing the cleanup of these orphan xmp's. but I changed the bat-file to make it more user friendly.
the code.
copy the text, and save it somewhere as a .bat, e.g. cleanuporphans.bat
@ECHO OFF set scriptdir=%cd% set rawext=%1 set mainext=%2 IF "%rawext%"=="" set rawext=NEF IF "%mainext%"=="" set mainext=XMP ECHO This will treat all %mainext%-files, and delete them if no corresponding %rawext%-file set topdir= set recdir= CALL :promptsettings if %errorlevel% GEQ 1 exit 8 ECHO ============================================== echo OK, here we go............. echo command used: echo FOR %recdir% %%f in (*.%mainext%) do CALL :delorphans "%%~pf\%%~nf" "%rawext%" ECHO ============================================== set /a cntfiles=0 set /a cntkeep=0 set /a cntdel=0 set scriptdir=%cd% pushd "%topdir%" echo start-directory %cd% FOR %recdir% %%f in (*.%mainext%) do CALL :delorphans "%%~pf\%%~nf" "%rawext%" popd echo treated %cntfiles% files echo kept %cntkeep% echo deleted %cntdel% ECHO ============================================== echo All done. ECHO ============================================== PAUSE goto :eof :promptsettings choice /C yn /T 30 /d y /m "SIMULATION (y/n)" if ERRORLEVEL 1 set simrun=echo SIMULATION - if ERRORLEVEL 2 set simrun= %simrun% :dirprompt set topdir= SET /P topdir=enter directory to handle (e.g. d:/fotos) or empty (cancel): IF "%topdir%"=="" exit /B 8 IF NOT EXIST "%topdir%" goto dirprompt :subprompt choice /C ync /T 30 /d c /m "also include subdirectories (y/n), or c(ancel)" if ERRORLEVEL 1 set recdir=/R if ERRORLEVEL 2 set recdir= if ERRORLEVEL 3 exit /B 8 echo ============================================================ ECHO Delete orphan %mainext%-files ECHO That are %mainext%-files without corresponding .%rawext%-file ECHO directory: %topdir% if "%recdir%" NEQ "" echo also including subdirectories (%recdir%) !!! echo ============================================================ ECHO Press Ctrl-C to stop or any other key to continue !!!!!!!!!!!! pause exit /B 0 :delorphans @ECHO OFF IF "%2"=="" exit 8 rem echo --file: %1 set /a cntfiles=%cntfiles%+1 set xmpfile=%1.%mainext% set rawsuff=%2% IF EXIST %1.%rawsuff% goto keepxmp echo %xmpfile% does not have corresponding %rawsuff%, deleting %mainext%-file %simrun% del %xmpfile% set /a cntdel=%cntdel%+1 exit /B 4 :keepxmp set /a cntkeep=%cntkeep%+1 rem echo %1.%rawsuff% exists, keeping %xmpfile% exit /B 0